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Treating Heart Disease - FOR WOMEN

3D view of a human heart Heart Disease in Women Versus Men

Heart disease used to be considered a man’s disease, but that is no longer the case. Heart disease is the number one killer of women over 35 years old worldwide, accounting for more deaths every year than all cancers combined. Learn about some of the ways heart disease is different for women compared to men by watching this video.

women taking her blood pressure Women have unique considerations about their risk factors for heart disease

Men and women have the same traditional risk factors for heart disease, but some of these risk factors are more likely to result in a heart event in women and some are more common in women. Women also have some unique risk factors that men don’t have (such as having high blood pressure in pregnancy). Learn about risk factors that are more common or unique in women by watching the video.

Women's hearts are impacted by many circumstances throughout their lives, such as menopause and hormonal changes.

Certain conditions, such as menopause and polycystic ovary syndrome, only develop in women. Other conditions such as osteoporosis (a weakening of your bones), are far more likely to develop in women than in men. The conditions listed below are common in women and can have a negative effect on your heart health. Learn how you can help prevent and manage these conditions.

Breast cancer

Osteoporosis (bone disease)


Systemic inflammatory, autoimmune disorders

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


More resources

Watch the videos below to learn more about treating heart disease.

Heart diseases

Heart tests

Heart treatments

Talk to your doctor and pharmacists if you are a woman living with heart disease and 1 or more of the statements below are true for you:

  • You are at a fertile age and not using birth control methods
  • You are pregnant or considering becoming pregnant
  • You are breastfeeding
  • You are taking birth control pills
  • You are taking hormone therapy for menopause

If any of those statements are true for you:

  • Ask your doctor if there are any risks with the heart medicines they prescribe.
  • Tell your doctor about every medicine, supplement, or natural herb that you are using. Some medicines, supplements, and natural herbs cannot be taken if you are taking certain heart medicines.
  • Ask your pharmacist if there are any risks to your health when you take birth control pills or hormone therapy and heart medicines.
Cardiac College for Women was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Canadian Institutes of Health Research
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